Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee

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Former Governor Mike Huckabee is known for his down-home, common sense and mission to help Main Street Americans.

Now, as Americans face major roadblocks, stubborn politicians who don’t want to bend and a country desperate for solutions, Huckabee wants to share his wisdom, becoming a guiding hand.

Because don’t we all want our children and grandchildren to live in a world that’s even better than the one we grew up in?

Charles Mizrahi

Charles Mizrahi

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Charles Mizrahi has an uncanny ability to spot ongoing money-making opportunities from a hundred miles away. His nearly 40-year career started as a floor trader at the New York Futures Exchange at the age of 20.

Not long after that, he moved on to become a wildly successful money manager. Charles was ranked the No. 1-performing market timer — not just on Wall Street but in the entire United States — based on the actual performance of client accounts. Barron’s also ranked Charles as the No. 1 commodity trading advisor.

He has managed money for everyone from close family members and business owners to powerhouse investment banks. He is now using his experience and insight to help his readers steadily grow their wealth while beating Mr. Market.