Mike Huckabee

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Former Governor Mike Huckabee is known for his down-home, common sense and mission to help Main Street Americans.

Now, as Americans face major roadblocks, stubborn politicians who don’t want to bend and a country desperate for solutions, Huckabee wants to share his wisdom, becoming a guiding hand.

Because don’t we all want our children and grandchildren to live in a world that’s even better than the one we grew up in?

With his new Prosperity Research, he’s teaming up with the best of the best in his rolodex to help everyday Americans experience the true American Dream.

He served as the 44th Governor of Arkansas. Governing magazine named him as one of its “Public Officials of the Year” for 2005. Time Magazine honored him as one of the five best governors in America.

After his campaign for the Republican nomination for President in 2008, in which he finished second to John McCain, he formed HuckPac to assist Conservative Republicans running for office nationwide and has amassed a volunteer team with thousands of activists in all 50 states.

He is the author of eleven books, including several New York Times bestsellers.

And he’s an avid musician and bass player in his rock-n-roll band — Capitol Offense — which has opened for artists such as Willie Nelson and the Charlie Daniels Band. He’s played in many venues across the country, for two presidential inauguration balls and at two Republican National Conventions.

Huckabee created a long-running news and entertainment program to provide a wealth of solutions for success … cutting through the issues from the viewer’s point of view.

You can see more in The American Prosperity Report with Charles Mizrahi and his contributions to the free daily e-letter Prosperity Insider.

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