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Real Talk Videos With Charles Mizrahi Are a Hit!

Real Talk videos with Charles Mizrahi

I did the first two Real Talk Videos as a test. 

Because I really wasn’t sure if you’d like or find value in them.

But over the last two weeks, you’ve told me what you thought:

So, from now on, you can expect a Real Talk Video every week.

And I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Thank you for letting me into your lives.

Click on my good-looking face below and I’ll share with you why I don’t work on Fridays…

(Spoiler alert: It has a perfect, 36-year track record.)

And please continue to let me know what you think by writing in at!

Regards & God bless,

Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Real Talk


Learn more about Charles Mizrahi’s Alpha Investor service and what real subscribers have to say here.